Here is my most recent cake - a Halloween cake. This was for an auction or a cakewalk or something...I don't know. Anyway, it was for a Halloween carnival last week.
I used the 11x 15 pan and cut the cake in half for stacking.

The spider is made from pieces of the cake tops that I stacked and cut with a round biscuit cutter. It had to be shaped up a little with a knife.
Also...it is REALLY hard to find black licorice, thus the use of the green and orange Twizzler spider legs.

Here is a Pumpkin cake that I make after I first started decorating cakes. I am not sure what Iwas thinking with the black ring around the edge....
Here we go -- this one's a little better.
A spider birthday cake from last year. How cool to have your birthday on Halloween!
This was for a Halloween party last year. The spider's legs were made from pretzels that I covered with black buttercream icing.