Obviously, my family can not eat as much cake as I like to make. I mean - we could, but really, that would not be a good move. To remedy this dilemma, I started making cakes for the kids at my school. (If you didn't know, I am a teacher - a music teacher, so I see a lot of different classes.) This gives me a lot of decorating practice, although I sometimes rush through the process.
Now, I know what some of you must be thinking... "What...making cakes for kids at school? What is wrong with these crazy teachers???"
This actually works out in my favor. Each class has to earn a cake through a reward system that I have. (I will not bore you with the complicated details.) Anyway, I do try to make it educational - we take a vote on what flavor of cake and how it will be decorated. We talk about the voting process and all kinds of educational things. : )
Anyway - back to the original train of thought - most classes want some kind of cake with a cartoon character on it. Some of these cakes have turned out well, and some have not. See for yourself.

Tom and Jerry - I rushed this one, but it isn't horrible for a "bribe" cake. (Except that Jerry's face may need a little work.) I used the piping gel transfer method.
A blast from the 1980s! Alvin and the Chipmunks for a second grade class.
Of course - Kids love Spongebob Square Pants! (Only he has no pants here!)

Ok - this was not a cake for school kids, but since Hannah Montana is on TV, I though I would post it on this blog. This was a birthday cake for a nine year old girl. I thought it turned out pretty well, but I was having some icing issures that day. It just didn't stick well and peeled off the cake.
Self-explanatory. Spiderman. He is the coolest superhero. Duh.
This was baked in the Wilton Spiderman pan.
The cupcakes are a result of leftover cake batter and icing that I could not throw out. The webs are not as great as I wanted, but at least the cake was recognizable.

This was just for fun. My family wanted cake, and I had a new pan. Voila! Yo Sammity Sam!
(Don't look at the spacing of the letters...yikes! At least it tasted good. Like I said - this was just to fulfill a cake craving.)
Tinkerbell - this was my first cake in a shaped pan. Yeah, I know - she has a tan.

Another pants-less Spongebob. This one is better that the other one.